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Booklet Printing in Chennai
The term “booklet” takes its name from the French word “bouclette”, which translates as “ringlet”, “twist” or “fold”. The booklet is a sheet of printed products that distinguishes it from leaflets by its multiband. The presence of several pages in a booklet is possible due to folds (folds). In ultra HD booklet printing in chennai is the best digital and offset printing services.

The booklet can be printed on both sides and folded several times, so much more information is placed on it than on the leaflet. And at the same time, it is compact and comfortable. The information blocks located in the booklet are structurally divided and read in a ring, therefore this product of printing has such a name. The most popular size of a booklet (euro-booklet) in folded form is the size of 148х105mm.
If the booklet is composed correctly, it will contain all the necessary answers to possible questions that may arise with a potential client. A correctly and originally designed booklet design will perfectly highlight it against the background of competitors’ proposals. In booklet printing in chennai you can get output with excellent printing quality and with high resolution.
What is the essence of the booklet?
Its main purpose is to inform the consumer of the maximum information and fit it on a minimum area. The booklet differs from leaflets in multi-band (multi-page), and from brochures in that the pages are not fastened and not stitched, which makes its cost cheaper than the cost of a brochure. Ultra Hd booklet printing is done at affordable price to the customers.
Low cost allows you to print large print runs and distribute booklets for free in places with high traffic. It has become traditional to install special booklet racks in large shopping centers, cafes, shops and so on. Any visitor can familiarize themselves with the information contained in the booklet, take the required number of copies of interest to distribute to their acquaintances, relatives or friends, as well as to save contact information.
What should be the design of the booklet?
The booklet may be educational or promotional in nature. But a prerequisite in order to interest and attract attention is the colorful and vibrant design. The design of the booklet should immediately cause the potential client to take the booklet and read the information. Therefore, the development of the design of the booklet is very important when creating this printing product.
The corporate identity of the company provides instant recognition of its products by the consumer in the market among many similar products or services. Therefore, it is highly recommended to maintain the corporate color scheme when designing printed advertising products. When placing textual information in a booklet, you need to carefully ensure that it harmoniously blends with graphic images.
Why is the booklet printed?
To create an effective booklet, it’s not enough just a selection of interesting pictures and attractive design. There are a number of important factors to consider when developing a booklet. First of all, it is necessary to clearly define the goals for which this product of printing will be created, and also to determine the target audience, which will be interested in the information posted in the booklet.

The design of the booklet is developed taking into account the target audience. But do not forget about the corporate identity of the company, because, despite the “one-time” nature of the advertising booklet, it should be directly associated with the company.
Conciseness is the first, main and most important rule in the design of booklets. This is a small advertising medium, the meaning of which is to briefly and interestingly inform about a company, product / event or service. Conciseness is the key to success.

Design of a booklet
The design of the booklet depends on the imagination of the designer and the capabilities of the customer. If we examine the booklet in detail, we will see that it has the following characteristics.
Estimated Life Span
Type of folding
Below are the most common types of folding, but this does not mean that you can bend the booklet the only way.
Format (size)

Paper and Printing
For printing booklets, as a rule, paper with a density of 130 – 200 g / m2 is used. Booklets made of paper with a density of up to 150 g / m2 can be simply folded (folded). If the paper weight is higher, then scoring is needed. If you don’t do scoring on thick paper, you will get an ugly “crease”. For printing booklets, a wide variety of paper types are used: from plain coated paper to expensive textured, tinted, design papers.

Booklet Printing in Chennai
In conclusion, we say: creating a competent and effective booklet is a lot of work for a whole team of specialists who need to take into account all the important factors. Therefore, order the development of your booklet only to professionals. In ultra HD booklet printing in chennai we have professionally trained technicians for printing both digital and offset printing methods and the quality of printing is high when compared to other printing services. We do other printing services like brochure printing, envelope printing, flyer printing , book printing etc.. For excellent quality booklet printing in chennai contact 9092833701. We also do the web design services.
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